- Please refer to instagram for current events, practice and investigations.
- 19-21 Oct. '18.
'Faculty of Action'
Three days of ongoing performances by nine international artists at Färgfabriken in Stockholm. Workshops, a seminar and performance. Live press catalogue.

- 3 Oct. '18 6pm.
'Sustainable Future: Från andra sidan havet'
As part of the associated programme of Mari Vedin Laksoonen's exhibition Från andra sidan havet at Jamtli Exercishall I will perform Forest Collections. On the same evening there will be a dance performance by Katja LIndfren Anntila and Nayla Espinosa titled Bilis Negra.
- 30 Sept. '18 2pm.
'Stillness between Movement'
To close my residency period at Medstugan hosted by Hushållningssällskapet Jämtland I will give a talk on what I have learned about the area departing in the concept of maps and ownership. I will share the talk with Jan Persson (Njaarke Sámi village) and Ewa Ljungdahl (archeologist speciallised in Sámi remnants) who worked with me to register traces of Sámi life on Middagsfjället which is part of Medstugan property. We want to open up a dialogue and are hoping to share participants memories and stories about the area. At the old dairy at Medstugan.
Funded by Länsstyrelsen Jämtland.

Reindeer enclosure on Middagsfjället, probably 19th century.

- 29 Sept. '18.
'Koreografisk Journal #5'
Koreografisk Journal #5 is looking at the relationship between choreography and text as inter-related forms of expression. My contribution is titled Breven / the Letters and comprise of three letters focussing on breath as action. The letters want to negotiate the immaterial with the need for objects and give attention to shared action and experience as a means to create immaterial monuments.
Release event, koreoochgrafi,
at in Stockholm.
Koreografiska konstitutet

- 8-10 June '18.
'Performance lab 2018'
IntraGalactic arts collective in collaboration with are pleased to announce Performance Lab 2018. Participating artists are Åsa Byred, Maria Högbacke, Eva Isleifsdóttir, Katrin Inga Jónsdóttir Hjördisardóttir, Rikke Lundgreen, Malin Ståhl and Anita Wernström. The Lab explores platforms for visual artists working with performance as part of their practice. I continued to develop my work on breath in Dear Fellow Person and on drawing in Extractions.

- 21 May - 2 June '18.
'Källskär vistelsestipendium'
A residency at Källskär in the Åland archipelago hosted by the Åland landskapsregering. Our theme for the stay was empty days to see what will happen when the artistic process is not forced to follow ideas or subjected to deadlines or production expectations. With Anita Wernström.
Ålands kulturdelegation / Källskär

- 7 - 13 May '18.
'Medstugan residency'
Hushållningssällskapet Jämtland's inagural residency at Medstugan, a former hunting villa model farm in the Jämtland mountains in Sweden. I spent a week at the farm including a stay in the mountain hunting cabin Södra jaktstugan situated on Middagsfjället. My research focus on the land and its history from the point that the Medstugan hunting villa is a grade listed building since 1999 with which follows the idea of preservation and historical value. The aim of my project is to put this into context with the Sámi use of the land up until the Swedish state incapacitated that in the 19th century.
On 30 July I organised an archeological inventory at Middagsfjället with Jan Persson (Njaarke Sámi village) and Ewa Ljungdahl (archeologist speciallised in Sámi remnants) funded by Länsstyrelsen Jämtland.
Medstugan stipendium

Ewa Ljungdahl and Jan Persson on Middagsfjället registering a probably 19th century fire place / tent cot.

- 4-5 May '18.
'Kul Tur Open Studios'
A weekend of open studios covering the entire region of Jämtland-Härjedalen in Sweden.
Organised by Bildkonsten and Hemslöjdskonsulenterna.

Studio view getting ready for 'Forest Collections' performance at Jamtli Exercishall.
- 1 May '18 14:30.
'Inför Kul Tur - artist talk'
An artist talk with participants in the Inför Kul Tur exhibition at Ahlbergshallen in Östersund hosted by IntraGalactic arts collective. The talk aimed at approching the artists' motivations and notions in making work and was led by Malin Ståhl.

- 28 Apr. - 3 May '18 11-16.
'Inför Kul Tur'
Exhibition at Ahlbergshallen in Östersund showcasing artists participating in the upcoming regional open studios event Kul Tur. I showed Clay Processes which is an ongoing project relating to the land by working with locally sourced clay. In the photo Marieby Clay and Rinkeby Clay.
Hosted by Härke Konstcentrum.

- 22 Apr. ' 18 10-15.
'Performance Lab Marabouparken'
For the Spring Clean 2 performance weekend at Marabouparken IntraGalactic arts collective was invited to share the Performance Lab with a group of artists. Anita Wernström and I hosted this opportunity for artists to come together and share practice by bringing ideas and work in progress. Through doing and dialogue we explore practice, platforms and the potential of peer led activities.
Marabouparken Spring Clean.

- 21 Apr. '18 6pm.
'CRIP_sessions: practice exchange'
Representing IntraGalactic arts collective at during Stockholm Culture Night, sharing thoughs and exercises on breath as a conscious tool. IntraGalactic arts collective are also pleased to contribute publications by Malin Ståhl and Anita Wernström to the upcoming Reading edge library that was introduced during the evening.

- 14 Apr. '18 2pm.
'Forest Collections'
Forest Collections is a performance departing in the Western academic tradition of collecting and controlling. Here it is forest that has been been collected and is being recreated. Storm felled spruce trees have been sliced with a chainsaw and are reassembled as trees in the performance. Speaking to the concept of untouched nature the trees become images of themselves when sorted and organised into trunks again. Organised by IntraGalactic arts collective at Jamtli Exercishall in Östersund. Supported by Östersunds kommun and Filmpool Jämtland.
Reviews in Länstidningen and Volym.

- 7/2 '18 14-20.
'Open studio - Stillness Between Movement'
Stillheten mellan rörelsen / Stillness between Movement is a project dealing with the land and cultural heritage. It centers on the concept of ownership and the idea of the untouched landscape and is looking into how the not immediately visible can be manifested on equal terms with the is visible. Open studio as part of the Staare 2018 centeniary of the first Sámi assembly in Östersund (Staare).

- 25/1, 22/2, 22/3, 19/4 '18 18-20.
Lyssnandet som strategi / Listening as strategy'
'Listening as Strategy' is a series of conversations on listening as a strategy and model to find/search/look for knowledge. At Designcentrum Östersund and run by IntraGalactic arts collective member Malin Ståhl in collaboration with Region JH.

▼ 2017
- 17 Dec. '17 1 pm.
'Pecha Kucha'
Svensk Form is presenting a series of Pecha Kucha talks at Exercishallen in Östersund. I will talk about place, time and listening in relation to my practice.

- 19 Nov. '17 8:42am - 3:03pm.
'Novemberdagens grå förtvivlan...'
Garden exhibition at Björnänge 167 opening at sunrise and closing at sunset. I will be showing Sketch. Frost. in the garage.
- 12 Aug. '17 at 4pm.
'Roaming Institute'
Unorganised Space Conversations is a walk in the direct vicinity of Index, probing sites where the nature contest the imposed structure of modernist city planning. The conversations of the walk will be looking at the city from the perspective of areas that evade city planning, pockets of untended nature in the urban environment. From a human perspective these spaces are unorganised, but the nature that inhabits them is indifferent to what we think of as ideal and successful.
Index Foundation

- 9 - 30 Apr. '17.
'In i landskapet / Into Landscape'
Reception Good Friday 14 Apr. at 3-6pm.
Into Landscape is a solo show at Grädda Åre depicting performance and performative relationships with nature through photography.

- 26 Feb. '17.
'Testing Testing'
3-5pm at Detroit Stockholm.
IntraGalactic arts collective is starting off 2017 with a Testing testing event featuring artists Rami Khoury and Malin Ståhl in conversation on ideas and work in progress. The dialogue between the artists begun when Ståhl was doing a workshop at Tensta konsthall on the subject of memory and the body as archive. In Testing testing they will look at current work and ideas for new pieces and research.

Physical sketchbook by Malin Ståhl and sculpture by Rami Khoury.
IntraGalactic arts collective
- 13 Jan. '17.
'Modernist Legacies and Constructions of Whiteness: Symposium'
Closing the course Modernist Legacies and Constructions of Whiteness at the Kungliga konsthögskolan in Stockholm a symposia was organised incorporating poetry, media and critical theory, black feminism, tokenism, surveillance and control resistance, activism and contemporary art. Invited speakers were Johannes Anyuru, Ylva Habel, Hamid Khan, Rudy Loewe and Ailin Moaf Mirlashari. With fellow course participants Hiroko Tsuchimoto and Joana Gil I developed and performed an introduction to the day bringing forth our perceived difficulties and question marks.
Facebook event
- 24 Jan. '17.
'KKH research week'
Co-organised with Anita Wernström Wanting Difference is a seminar and workshop drawing on the KKH 2016 course Modernist Legacies and Constructions of Whiteness as well as the writing of Catherine Malabou, primarily her text Changing Difference.
The sixth edition of the Royal Institute of Art's Research Week includes presentations from the BA, MA and PhD level, senior researchers funded by the Swedish Research Council, faculty members' research activities as well as international speakers and institutional collaborations. The broad constellation of practice and thought of Research Week bridges practical, transdisciplinary, theoretical and philosophical aspects of contemporary art and architecture with particular interests; and brings to the fore the continuously evolving nature of "research" as a necessarily open category.

KKH Research week
▼ 2016
- 15 Dec. '16.
'Koreografisk Journal #4'
Koreografiska Konstitutet are releasing Koreografisk Journal #4 on documentation at Weld in Stockholm. Nine writers have, departing in diverse queries, experiences and perspectives, examined and discussed their personal approaches to documentation. These are nine conflicting texts where the understanding of the significance of documentation as practice, object and history writing stand in critical conversation. Contributors: Manon Santkin, Malin Ståhl, Astrid von Rosen, Christopher Engdahl, Thomas Olsson, Olof Persson, Alison Sandgren, Lisa Torell and Peter Mills.

Koreografiska konstitutet
Koreografisk Journal #4 pdf
- 24 Nov. '16.
'Jämten 2017'
Jämten is an annual publication by Jämtlands Läns Konstförening, published by Jamtli förlag. My piece Becoming a Tree is covered in the arts section.

Becoming a Tree
LTZ article
- 16 - 29 Oct. '16
'In Landscape I walk / I landskapet jag går'
IntraGalactic arts collective presents a solo exhibition by Malin Ståhl at Detroit Stockholm.
The exhibition brings together a longstanding exploration into the relationships between body and landscape. On 23 October there will be a seminar accompanying the exhibition under the theme of Filmic Image. The seminar will be chaired by John Sundholm, professor of film theory at Stockholm University.

IntraGalactic arts collective
Detroit Stockholm
- 14 - 16 Oct. '16.
'***Hej Hej PALS!*** Festival'
A three-day festival showcasing the best of contemporary performance art from Sweden and abroad. In its dynamic programme it presents nearly 50 performance artists including both well-known names as well as fresh new blood at Fylkingen in Stockholm. I will be showing a new piece, Silent Cocooning on the Friday evening.

Photo: Ignacio Pérez Pérez
***Hej Hej PALS!***
- 13 Oct. '16 18:30.
'Salong Tensta'
Under the theme of the archive as a departure point for artistic practice I gave a talk on my practice in relation to the body as archive and a workshop attempting to access the archive stored in the body through physical movement. At Tensta Konsthall.
- 5 Oct. - 18 Dec. '16.
'Visions in the Nunnery'
Visions in the Nunnery is a renowned showcase of contemporary moving image and performance work, returning to the Nunnery Gallery, London for a special celebratory tenth edition this October. Established in 1999, Visions offers an informed overview of the provocative and quick-changing mediums of moving image and performance. I will be showing my performance Walking Cinema on 3 November.

Photo: Sofia Dahlgren
Bow Arts
- 27 Sept. - 2 Oct- '16.
'Blue & White China'
A self-directed mini residence researching the trade and movement that brought the presence of blue and white china onto the Thames foreshore. Supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Council.

Foreshore finds / pottery dating with Nigel Jeffries, post-roman pottery specialist at MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology).
- 27 May - 25 Sept. '16.
Shiva Anoushirvani * Casia Bromberg * Nigel Grimmer * Harish Iyer * Darren Jones * Guillaume Paris * Elham Rokni * Gabriel Garcia Roman * Elkham Rokni * Gabriel Garcia Roman * Rebecca Scott * Malin Ståhl * Saskia Olde Wolbers * at Garborsentret in Stavanger * curated by Roberto Ekholm | EKCO.
The exhibition Connubial brings together a group of contemporary international artists. The word connubial relates to marriage or the relationship between a married couple. These artists explore through their works the complexities of marriage and love. The exhibition takes Hulda and Arne Garbor's writing and philosophy on marriage, love and equality as a starting point to look at currents ideas of marriage as a concept.

Darren Jones and Ryan Roa, Tumescence, 2011
Link to e-version of the catalogue
- 13-15 May '16.
'Performance Lab 2016'
IntraGalactic arts collective in collaboration with are pleased to invite you to an open viewing of Performance Lab 2016. Participating artists are Jens Evaldsson, Giovanni Paolo Fedele, Emma Hammarén, Maria Högbacke (workshop), Ellakajsa Nordström (workshop), Malin Ståhl and Anita Wernström. The artists are invited to work with performance departing in their own artistic research. The lab is an opportunity to work on pieces that are work-in-progress or finished, but which can be developed and experimented with.
Open viewing on Sunday 15 May 1- 4pm at in Stockholm.

IntraGalactic arts collective
- 21 - 24 Apr. '16.
'Galleri CC at Supermarket Art Fair 2016'
Galleri CC is showing the Loop Video Marathon at Supermarket Art Fair with my 2009 video We Didn't Say No as part of the programme.

Supermarket Art Fair 2016
- 21 Apr. '16.
'Falling from Grace. The Apple and Eve'.
A performance programmed for the Supermarket Art Fair 2016 Red Spot Stage looking at the fall of man as coinciding with the origins of performance art. The performance will explore Eve as the first performance artist when she went out to pick the apple in the Garden of Eden. Through apple rituals, in picking, cutting and eating, women power and the strength of the fruit as a symbolic object will be manifested and explored.
Organised by IntraGalactic arts collective with Åsa Byred, Merituuli Holm, Anne-Charlotte Karlsson, Siri Osterlund and Malin Ståhl.

Supermarket Talks & Red Spot Performance Programme 2016
Watch a video documentation of Falling from Grace. The Apple and Eve.
- 4 Feb. - 25 Mar. '16.
'Waiting for Carnival'
My video piece Sketch. Frost. is included in a group show at Gallerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris.
▼ 2015
- 4-21 Dec. '15.
'LOOP - A Video Art Marathon'
Galleri CC in collaboration with Swedish Film Institute is pleased to present
"LOOP - A video art marathon". 72 artists have been selected for the exhibtion, which attempts to show a broad range of artists and film makers that both work intertwined with the web but also outside of it, through loop based sequences, experimental and poetic story telling, performance-based video footage and longer documentary films. The exhibition will close with the nationwide Kortfilmsdagen (the Short Film Day) event initiated by the Swedish Film Institute.

- 7th Oct. '15.
'Death and Dying'
Video screening at Kunstraum Artenne in Vorlarlberg, Austria. Curated by David Lillington and including work by Bartosz Sikorski, Malin Ståhl, Petrina Ng, Owen Oppenheimer, Artavazd Peleshian, Ophélie Malassigné, Sanna Linell, Kate Davis and David Moore, Fabienne Audéoud, Philip Hoffman, Christina Stuhlberger, Audrey Reynolds, Elizabeth Price.
David Lillington says: "An unholy mixture of 14 short art-videos (videos by artists) and art-films by professional film-makers, using humour, theater, social realism, sometimes the surreal and sometimes sheer beauty to try and approach the themes of death, dying and mortality. All are serious, even when they make us laugh. They represent a range of styles used by contemporary artists to deal with a subject which affects everyone alive. Three of these videos were originally films, and two of those are by professional film-makers (Peleshian, from Armenia; Hoffman, from Canada.) The other 11 are ,art videos' – videos by artists who also make other kinds of work. Some are ,laugh-out-loud' funny, (Audéoud, France; Oppenheimer, UK) others poignant in their quiet humour (Malassigné, France). Some are literary (Ståhl, Linnel, both from Sweden), many highly theatrical (Ståhl, Oppenheimer, Audéoud) – but all are serious in their approach to the subject of death, dying and mortality. Some look at traditional genres such as the 'Totentanz' tradition in a contemporary way (Ståhl). Some are intensely personal (Stuhlberger, Germany), others surrrealistic (Davis and Moore, UK). Some are extremely beautiful (Peleshian, Hoffman.) The last and longest video is a contemporary masterpiece (Price, UK, winner of the Turner Prize) and a complex and intense study both of a real event and of the psychology of our relationship with death. All, in their different ways, are entertaining". 
Installation view ©Kunstraum Artenne
Kunstraum Artenne
- 3rd Oct. '15.
'Double Trouble'
A performance evening at TripSpace in London with two live dance performances by Rudi Cole & Julia Robert and Camila Gutierrez & Fionn Cox-Davies and a screening of my piece scuss'a. blue.
TripSpace Projects
- 13 Sept. - 1 Nov. '15.
'Art Streams'
A group exhibition at Ram Foundation in Rotterdam with artists Paul Cox, Tamara Dees, Serge Game, Bettie van Haaster, Natasja van Kampen, Csilla Klenyánszki, Bastienne Kramer, Tillmann Meijer-Faje, Gerard van Soest, Malin Ståhl, Hans Verwey, Kes Touw, Adriaan Rees, Nautical Artists’ Books, Naimé Perette, Aram Tanis & Jacolijn Verhoef, Sol Archer.
Ram Foundation
- 12 Sept. - 24 Oct. -15.
For their autumn programme on philosophy Barnkonsten in Vårby (SE) will be running a screening of artists' films. I will be showing scuss'a. blue.
Vårby bibliotek med barnkonsten
- 11th Sept. '15
'Death and Dying'
Video screening at Danielle Arnaud in London. Curated by David Lillington and including work by Fabienne Audéoud, Kate Davis and David Moore, Philip Hoffman, Sanna Linell, Ophélie Malassigné, Petrina Ng, Owen Oppenheimer, Artavazd Peleshian, Audrey Reynolds, Bartosz Sikorski, Malin Ståhl, Christina Stuhlberger.
Despite the humour, the fiction and the fictionalising, realism is the underlying tone of this selection of short films and videos on death, which also represent a number of related genres and approaches. What lightness or fantasy there is, is a measure of the artists' respect for their theme. All the work is both highly engaging and highly engaged, and deals with the idea of death but also with the particular case.

Artavazd Peleshian End 1994 video 8'15 minutes
Danielle Arnaud
- 28-29 Aug. '15.
'Camden Arts Centre'
A work in progress show of work by the participants in the Camden Art Centre / the Slade School of Fine Art residency London Summer Intensive. Work by Charlene Calleja, Geoffrey Stein, Jonny Briggs, Malu Stewart, Marian O'Donnell, Megan Evans, Pippa Ridley, Rebecca Miller, Vasilis Papageorgiou, Vineta Kaulaca, Wiyoga Muhardanto, Antonio Melo, Jon Malis, Malin Ståhl, Anita Wernstrom, Clotilde Jimenez, Lucía Oceguera, Malgorzata Markiewicz, Janice Gobey, John Wind, Ximena Velasco.

London Summer Intensive studios.
Camden Art Centre
- 10-11 June. '15.
'Translate, Intertwine, Transgress'
I will participate in the two day lab that is part of the symposia Translate, Interwine, Transgress at Moderna Museet and MDT in Stockholm. Organised by choreographer Björn Säfström with the Swedish Arts Grants Committe and Dansalliansen the lab is led by artists Melati Suryodarmo and Jeanine Durning.
Moderna Museet
- 6 -7 Jun. '15.
'Turtle Salon in the Project Rooms'
Turtle Salon in the Project Rooms is a weekend of artist film and video at Färgfabriken in Stockholm. The programme was initially shown in Duved in Jämtland under the titel Turtle Salon in the Forest.
Participating artists:
Lawrence Weiner (US), Ori Gersht (ISR), Kjartan Slettemark & Hans Esselius (SE), Rod Dickinson (UK), Mikhail Karikis (GR), Rirkrit Tiravanija (AR), DoddaMaggý (IS), Michael Curran (UK), Sofia Dahlgren (SE), David Blandy (UK), Elín Hansdóttir (IS), Larry Achiampong (UK), Jem Cohen (US), Marlene Haring (AT), Michael H Shamberg (US), Elisabeth S Clark & Luke Aaron Clark (UK), Ruben Montini (IT), Alexander Pohnert (D), Bjørn Venø (NO), Ned Richardson (US), Francesco Fonassi (IT), Anthony Auerbach (UK), Meg Mosley (UK), Biters (Larry Achiampong & David Blandy) (UK), Nick Cash (UK), nüans (D,TR,JP), Sarah Miles (UK), Stephen Dorian Kutos (US), Sunee H Markosov (KR), Angelica Bergamini (IT), Anna Faroqhi & Haim Peretz (D), Daniel Devlin (UK), Eiji Suzue (JP), Joana Roberto (PT), Joshua Frankel (D), Katia Roessel (D), Martin Hardouin Duparc (FR), MJWB & the NOLA ARTICHOKE BAND (US), Ila Wingen (D), Linda Petersson (SE), Malin Ståhl (SE), Emma Wieslander (SE), Sara Bjarland (FI), Gerbrand Burger (NL) and Rebecca Mir Grady (US).

the Artist Colony
Turtle Salon
- 6 June '15. 8-10pm.
CineDance'15 is a dance on screen platform to showcase work made for video that expands the boundaries of dance. The CineDance'15 screening takes place at TripSpace Projects in London.
TripSpace Projects
- 3 June '15.
'Salong Tensta'
I presented the artist talk In Four Installments. Common voice. Reading text. Fragile objects. Walking. at the monthly gathering Salong Tensta at Tensta Konsthall in Stockholm.
Tensta Konsthall
- 17 - 26 Apr. '15.
A group exhibition at Detroit Stockholm coinciding with the Supermarket Independent Art Fair 2015.
Detroit Stockholm
- 9 - 18 Apr. '15.
'TURTLE, dédié à Michael Shamberg'
An exhibition in homage to Michael Shamberg showcasing work from his Turtle network. The long list of artists include Etel Adnan, John Baldessari, Jem Cohen, Hollis Frampton, Louise Lawler, Chris Marker, Ned Richardson, Michael Shamberg, Lawrence Weiner and more.
I will be showing Tilly. Black & Gold. and scuss'a. blue.
Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris.
- 21 Mar. '15 12-5pm.
'Performance Lab'
IntraGalactic arts collective are holding a Performance Lab at Cigarrvägen 13 in Stockholm. The Lab will be a platform för testing, discussion and previewing new work.
IntraGalactic arts collective
watch a video

The White Gilded Arm. Attempting Gesture.
- 12 - 23 Mar. '15
As part of the 'Artists' Portrait' cycle of exhibitions the gallery will organise an exhibition decicated to the self-portrait. I will be showing Rising from Water.

Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris.
- 4 Apr. '15.
'the Hunt'
A new performance presented at Grädda Åre, Sweden. It will center around the process of making ice cream and the role unicorns play in that.
watch the video documentation

- 6 Mar. '15 12:00
'Collective Conversations'
Through dialogue, translation, quotation, and writing, a workshop with the artist Ricardo Basbaums will compose a polyphonic script for a performance. With a public presentation of the results on Friday, 6.3, 12:00 at Tensta Konsthall in Stockholm. In collaboration with André Lepecki and Stockholm Uniarts.
Tensta Konsthall
- 1 Mar. '15.
'Testing Testing. Conversations on ideas and ongoing work.'
Artist talk In Four Installments. Common voice. Reading text. Fragile objects. Walking. At Detroit Stockholm Studios. Organised by IntraGalactic arts collective.
IntraGalactic arts collective
Detroit Stockholm

In Four Installments. Common voice. Reading text. Fragile objects. Walking.
- 30 Jan. '15.
'Studio Visit: In Sweden with Malin Stahl'
An interview by artist Rebecca Mir Grady posted on her blog She Is Restless.
She Is Restless